Workflow for Application and Reimbursement
A list of upcoming overseas conferences/scientific meetings will be posted and regularly updated on the Hong Kong Lung Foundation (HKLF) website. Sponsorship applications for the respective conferences will be opened for not less than 5 working days on the website here. Applicants should be paid up local members of the Hong Kong Thoracic Society (HKTS) or CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau.

Applicants interested in applying for the respective sponsorships should download the application form (PDF format / WORD format). Completed application forms should be sent to the conference secretariat Ms. Melissa Leung either via email to or by fax to 2785 3832. Completed application forms should be sent 14 calendar days before the Executive Board meeting and at least 1 month before the date of the respective conferences. Late application will not be entertained.

Selection and Nomination
All applications will be reviewed by Nomination and Sponsorship Committee of the HKLF. Should the number of applicants exceed the available number of sponsorships, the Nomination and Sponsorship Committee will choose the most suitable candidate based on predefined criteria (see "Criteria for Selecting Candidate for Sponsorship").

The Nomination and Sponsorship Committee reserves the right of final decision in selecting the most eligible candidates for receiving the respective sponsorships. Applicants should observe the prevailing sponsorship regulations or rules for receiving outside sponsorship in their own departments, hospitals or HA cluster administration. The Nomination and Sponsorship Committee will not be responsible for failure of application due to violation of the sponsorship regulations or rules in their respective departments, hospitals or HA cluster administration.

Endorsement of Application
All nominations have to be endorsed at HKLF Executive Board meetings.

Confirmation of Sponsorship
Approval letters will be sent to the applicants’ communication email addresses written on the application forms after endorsement at the Executive Board meeting.

Applicants should send their reimbursement documents to the conference secretariat Ms. Melissa Leung either via email to or by fax to 2785 3832 within 2 months after attending the overseas conference. The reimbursement forms can be downloaded here (PDF format / WORD format). All reimbursements must be supported by valid receipts together with certificate of attendance. Letter of self-declaration of attendance is accepted only under circumstances pre-defined by the Nomination and Sponsorship Committee (e.g. certificate of attendance is not issued by the organizer). Reimbursements will be paid by cheque.

Criteria for Selecting Candidate for Sponsorship
  1. Applicant is a current and paid up local member of HKTS or CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau accordingly for at least one year and had paid up his/her membership fee in the past one year.
  2. Applicant has active participation/roles in the sponsored conferences/meeting academic event (including but not limited to being an invited speaker or session chair, oral or poster presentation etc)
  3. For passive participation, applicants should not received more than 2 sponsorships from either the HKLF educational fund or the HKTS sponsorship or the Chest Delegation Hong Kong and Macau sponsorship in the past 12 months.
  4. Applicant had/has made significant contributions to the operation, planning and development of HKLF, HKTS or CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau.
  5. Applicant had participated actively in annual scientific meeting/clinical meeting/evening symposium and other academic events organized by the HKTS or CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau.
  6. Applicant had engaged actively in the publicity events organized by the HKTS or CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau.
  7. The application had been notified to and supported by the team head or COS of the respective applicant.

The above criteria are by no means exhaustive and are subjected to regular update and amendment at the discretion of the Nomination and Sponsorship Committee. The Nomination and Sponsorship Committee reserves the final right in selecting candidate for a particular sponsorship.
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