The story of the Hong Kong Lung Foundation started with the 13th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest (APCDC).

The 13th APCDC was held in Hong Kong from 5th to 8th December 1994. It was the first major international chest conference held in Hong Kong since the last one in 1981. It was jointly organized by the American College of Chest Physicians (Hong Kong and Macau Chapter) (ACCP HKM) and Hong Kong Thoracic Society (HKTS).
The Advisors: Sister M Gabriel
Dr. PAL Horsfall
Dr. Donald Yu
Professor CK Mok
Dr. PL Nandi
Organizing Committee President: Professor WK Lam
Vice-Presidents: Dr. SL Chan
Dr. SY So
Secretary General: Dr. William Chen
Assistant Secretaries: Dr. CW Lam
Dr. KL Tsang
Treasurer: Dr. HS Chan
Subcommittee Chairpersons:
Scientific Programme: Professor Christopher Lai
Finance: Dr. HS Chan and Dr. Joseph Pang
Publications: Professor Mary Ip
Registration and Publicity: Dr. YC Chan
Congress Facilities & Protocol: Dr. Jane Chan
Exhibition: Dr. WW Yew
Accommodation & Transport: Dr. Loretta Yam
Social Programmes: Dr. CY Tse

With Professor Christopher Lai in charge of the Scientific Programme, scientific excellence was assured, and with Dr. William Chen leading in the quest of industrial support, a very healthy account book was guaranteed. And with the whole Organizing Committee working in full force for two years, plus the support of all our colleagues in Hong Kong and overseas, the 13th APCDC turned out to be a resounding success both scientifically and financially. And, Hong Kong has secured a firmer place in the international fraternity of respiratory medicine and related disciplines than ever before.

The great financial success left us with a question that we had never hitherto faced: how to make the best use of the substantial sum of money available in the aftermath of the congress? Discussions and meetings after meetings ensued. Finally, it was resolved that a Hong Kong Lung Foundation should be established. Professor Mary Ip, then President of HKTS, was charged with drafting of the terms of reference and administrative guidelines. As usual, the very resourceful and energetic Dr. William Chen was responsible for the actual operational minutiae of establishing the Foundation, including liaison with our Hon. Legal Advisor Ms Eva Chow and Hon. Auditor Tam, Chu , Wong & Chan, and printing of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Foundation.

After nearly one and a half years of preparation and concerted efforts of the HKTS and ACCP HKM, the Hong Kong Lung Foundation Limited was at last incorporated on 12 March 1996 with the objectives of (1) promoting public education in respiratory health and disease (e.g. printing educational materials in asthma, COPD etc); (2) supporting research activities in respiratory diseases and health; (3) supporting professional education and training in respiratory medicine and related disciplines (e.g. HKLF Fellowships, supporting participants from the mainland to attend international / regional chest conferences held in Hong Kong and vice versa, supporting regular clinical meetings etc).

The Directors, Officers and Executive Board Members would be the Council Members of the HKTS and Executive Committee Members of the ACCP HKM. The first Officers and Executive Board Members were:
Chairman: Professor WK Lam
Vice-Chairman: Professor Christopher Lai
Secretary: Dr. William Chen
Treasurer: Dr. HS Chan
Executive Board Members: Dr. Jane Chan
Dr. SL Chan
Dr. YC Chan
Professor Mary Ip
Dr. CW Lam
Dr. Roland Leung
Dr. PL Nandi
Dr. SY So
Dr. CM Tam
Dr. Alfred Tam
Dr. CY Tse
Dr. Loretta Yam
Professor Anthony Yim
Dr. WC Yu

The Hong Kong Lung Foundation Limited , newly born in March 1996 and full of energy, already in full swing to serve. The rest is history well known to you all.

Professor LAM Wah Kit

15 January 2001
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